The intention behind this blog is to create a place where I can share my thoughts, ideas and experiences. If these are of interest to others and contribute to open minded discussion and the sharing of views and interests, all the better.
I decided on the name “Reflections” for two reasons. The first is in the context of thoughts, musings, cogitations etc. I have a great many of these and wanted a place to write them down and hopefully generate interest from others. This was not enough though. I love the beauty of the world and it’s peoples (hence my love of travel), and wanted an excuse to share photos of beautiful places and things that move me in some way. I am also insatiably curious about pretty much everything, but with a leaning towards science, sport, music, mountains, seas … the list is very long, but you get the idea. And this brings me to the second reason. It occurred to me that pretty much everything we see, whether physically through the medium of our sight, or understand intellectually though the lens of our experiences, is as a result of a reflection of some sort. This also gives me a forum (excuse?) to share my own views on subjects many and varied.
So there you are.